#################################### # Jessie Hildebrandt's Fish Config # #################################### # Contains a pretty multi-line prompt and some useful functions. # Compatible with Emacs' ansi-term. # # Provided functions: # * battery - Displays the battery charge (and discharge time if supported) # # Prompt features: # * SSH session indicator # * Virtual environment indicator # * Abbreviated + colorized working directory # * VCS status # * Dynamic prompt character (root/user, return status) # * Dynamic greeting function # * Optional timestamps # * Automatic aliasing of 'rm' -> 'rm -i' for root sessions # # Configurable variables: # * __fish_prompt_show_timestamps - If set, displays timestamps on the right side of the terminal # * __fish_greeting_fortune_cookies - Overrides the default list of fortune cookies to use for greetings # * __fish_disable_interactive_root_rm - If set, disables automatic aliasing of 'rm' to 'rm -i' when signed in as root ################ # Color Config # ################ set fish_color_command ffa348 set fish_color_quote 5bc8af set fish_color_comment 656565 set fish_color_autosuggestion 656565 set fish_color_param normal set fish_color_operator 7d8ac7 set fish_color_escape 7d8ac7 set fish_color_error ff6c6b set -x LS_COLORS "no=00:fi=00:di=01;94:ln=01;96:or=41;96;01:ex=92:mi=90:pi=35:so=35:bd=33:cd=33:" #################### # VC Status Glyphs # #################### set ___fish_git_prompt_char_cleanstate ✓ set ___fish_git_prompt_char_dirtystate + set ___fish_git_prompt_char_invalidstate x set ___fish_git_prompt_char_stagedstate → set ___fish_git_prompt_char_stashstate ↳ set ___fish_git_prompt_char_untrackedfiles … set ___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_ahead ↑ set ___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_behind ↓ set ___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_diverged ⟷ set ___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_equal = set fish_prompt_hg_status_added + set fish_prompt_hg_status_copied ↳ set fish_prompt_hg_status_deleted x set fish_prompt_hg_status_modified + set fish_prompt_hg_status_unmerged ⟷ set fish_prompt_hg_status_untracked … ##################### # Setting Variables # ##################### set __fish_git_prompt_show_informative_status true set fish_key_bindings fish_default_key_bindings set VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT true # Add '~/.local/bin' using 'fish_add_path' (Only available in Fish 3.2.X and above) if type fish_add_path &> /dev/null fish_add_path -aP ~/.local/bin end ########### # Aliases # ########### # Conditionally set 'rm' -> 'rm -i' alias for the root user only switch (id -u) case 0 # Root if not set -q __fish_disable_interactive_root_rm alias rm 'rm -i' end case '*' # Everyone else end # Alias 'addtopath' -> 'fish_add_path -P' for temporarily prepending a dir to your PATH alias addtopath 'fish_add_path -P' # Common/generic aliases alias lsl 'ls -lh' ##################### # Greeting Function # ##################### function fish_greeting --description 'Display a greeting when the session begins' ################## # Fortune greeting if type -q fortune # Set up list of desired cookies set -l desired_cookies if not set -q __fish_greeting_fortune_cookies set desired_cookies computers people science education work wisdom else set desired_cookies $__fish_greeting_fortune_cookies end # Determine which desired cookies are available set -l found_cookies for cookie in $desired_cookies if fortune -s $cookie &> /dev/null set -a found_cookies $cookie end end # If any desired cookies are found, source a fortune from them if test (count $found_cookies) -gt 0 fortune -s $found_cookies return end # Otherwise, just print whatever fortune -s return end ################# # Static greeting echo "Hello, commander." end #################### # Battery Function # #################### function battery --description 'Display the current status of the battery' ################# # Local variables set -l battery_files /sys/class/power_supply/BAT*/capacity set -l normal (set_color normal) set -l yellow (set_color bryellow) set -l gray (set_color 5e5e5e brblack) ##################### # ACPI battery status if type -q acpi set -l battery_str (acpi | grep "Unknown" --invert | head -n 1 | cut -d "," -f 2- | string trim) set battery_str (string replace -r '([[:digit:]]{1,3}%),? ?(.*)$' "$yellow\$1$normal $gray(\$2)$normal" $battery_str) set battery_str (string replace -r '\(\)' "(Fully charged)" $battery_str) echo "Battery status: $battery_str" return end ######################### # Fallback battery status if test -f $battery_files set -l battery_str (cat $battery_files | head -n 1 | string trim) set battery_str (string replace -r '([[:digit:]]{1,3})' "$yellow\$1%$normal" $battery_str) echo "Battery status: $battery_str" return end ##################### # Unsupported battery echo "No battery detected." end ################## # Title Function # ################## function fish_title --description 'Print the title of the window' # Trying to set the title inside of Emacs will break it if set -q INSIDE_EMACS return end # Set window title to the current command + working directory if test (echo $FISH_VERSION | cut -d "." -f 1) -ge 3 # Fish 3.X.X and above use "status current-command" echo (status current-command) (__fish_pwd) else # Older versions of fish use the "$_" variable echo $_ (__fish_pwd) end end ################### # Prompt Function # ################### function fish_prompt --description 'Display a formatted terminal prompt' #################### # Exit Status # Cache the exit status of the last command set -l last_status $status ################## # Global Variables # Format host name variable if not yet set if not set -q __fish_prompt_hostname set -g __fish_prompt_hostname (prompt_hostname) end # Format prompt character variable if not yet set if not set -q __fish_prompt_char switch (id -u) case 0 # Root set -g __fish_prompt_char "⌦" case '*' # Everyone else set -g __fish_prompt_char "❱" end end ################# # Local Variables set -l normal (set_color normal) set -l white (set_color brwhite) set -l gray (set_color 7b7b7b brblack) set -l darkgray (set_color 454545 brblack) set -l cyan (set_color 7ee5ff brblue) set -l teal (set_color 5bc8af brgreen) set -l red (set_color ff6c6b brred) ############# # SSH Segment set -l ssh_seg "" if test -n "$SSH_CONNECTION" set ssh_seg "$white" "[ssh]" "$normal " end ############################# # Virtual Environment Segment set -l venv_seg "" if test -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV" set venv_seg "$gray("(basename $VIRTUAL_ENV)")$normal " end ################# # User@Host Segment set -l user_host_seg "$cyan$USER$normal at $teal$__fish_prompt_hostname$normal " ########################### # Working Directory (PWD) Segment set -g fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 set -l pwd_seg (prompt_pwd) if test (string length $pwd_seg) -eq 1 set pwd_seg (string replace -ar '^.*$' "in $gray\$0$normal" $pwd_seg) else set pwd_seg (string replace -ar '^(.*[~\/])([^\/]*$)' "in $darkgray\$1$gray\$2$normal" $pwd_seg) end #################### # VCS Status Segment set -l vcs_seg (__fish_vcs_prompt) ################## # Prompt Character set -l prompt_char "$cyan$__fish_prompt_char$normal " if test $last_status -ne 0 set prompt_char "$red$__fish_prompt_char$normal " end ######### # Output echo -se "\n" $venv_seg $ssh_seg $user_host_seg $pwd_seg $vcs_seg "\n" $prompt_char end ######################### # Right Prompt Function # ######################### function fish_right_prompt --description "Display a right-aligned terminal prompt" ############################# # Enable/disable right prompt if not set -q __fish_prompt_show_timestamps return end ################# # Local variables set -l normal (set_color normal) set -l darkgray (set_color 3b3b3b brblack) ########### # Timestamp set -l timestamp_str "$darkgray"(date +"[%H:%M:%S]")"$normal" echo -s "$darkgray$timestamp_str" end