# eldoc-frame A simple ElDoc frontend that displays documentation in a floating child frame. Forked from the excellent [eldoc-box](https://github.com/casouri/eldoc-box/) package. ## Preview ![Preview Image](.repo-assets/preview.webp "Preview Image") ## Configuration If you are a user of `use-package`, it is easy to configure eldoc-frame directly in your init.el: ```elisp (use-package eldoc-frame :config (eldoc-frame-mode) :bind (:map eldoc-frame-mode-map ("M-" . eldoc-frame-scroll-down-line) ("M-" . eldoc-frame-scroll-up-line))) ``` ## Alternatives * [eldoc-box](https://github.com/casouri/eldoc-box): eldoc-box implements additional features such as a hover-at-point mode and an interactive help-at-point function. * [lsp-ui](https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-ui): Includes lsp-ui-doc, which supports rendering Markdown in child frames and WebKit widgets. Only supports object documentation supplied by [lsp-mode](https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-mode). ## Feedback If you experience any issues with this package, please [open an issue](https://git.tty.dog/jessieh/eldoc-frame/issues/new) on the issue tracker. Suggestions for improvements and feature requests are always appreciated, as well!