Free from LFS

This commit is contained in:
Jessie Hildebrandt 2023-11-21 16:51:09 -05:00
parent 7ef73ff4e3
commit 6e0af4bd7e

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@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
version ```lisp
oid sha256:7bb22f786b2a5e3f01d1c784b320f6451bf093ceb049d9b45f7c283344635495 ;; Emacs 29 with native compilation, default GC threshold
size 670 ;; Run in a lisp-interaction buffer with Flymake
(defun time-mode-line (num &optional and-mem)
(let ((gc-cons-threshold (if and-mem gc-cons-threshold most-positive-fixnum))
(start-time (current-time)))
(cl-loop for i to num
do (format-mode-line mode-line-format))
(format-time-string "%s.%3N" (time-since start-time))))
;; Default mode line:
(time-mode-line 10000) ;; "0.440"
(time-mode-line 10000 :and-mem) ;; "2.402"
;; mood-line (default settings):
(mood-line-mode t)
(time-mode-line 10000) ;; "0.309"
(time-mode-line 10000 :and-mem) ;; "1.286"