package = 'qrprinter' version = '1.1-0' rockspec_format = '3.0' supported_platforms = {'linux'} source = { url = "git+", tag = "1.1-0" } description = { summary = "Encode and print strings as QR codes.", detailed = "qrprinter wraps the libqrencode C library using LuaJIT's FFI to provide an easy way of encoding and printing strings as QR codes from Lua.", homepage = "", maintainer = "Jessie Hildebrandt ", license = "GPLv3" } dependencies = { "lua >= 5.1", "luajit >= 2.0" } external_dependencies = { LIBQRENCODE = { header = "qrencode.h" } } test = { type = 'busted' } test_dependencies = { 'busted = 2.0.0-1', 'luacov = 0.15.0-1' } build = { type = "make", makefile = "Makefile", build_variables = { -- This suppresses luarocks' CFLAGS warning-- we don't actually use this CFLAGS = "$(CFLAGS)" }, install = { lua = { ["qrprinter"] = "build/qrprinter.lua", ["qrprinter.ffi.qrencode"] = "build/ffi/qrencode.lua" } } }