# simple-shortener Easily wrap a self-hosted URL shortening service around your personal site. [View on Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/jessiehildebrandt/simple-shortener) Created with [Fennel](https://fennel-lang.org), [Turbo](https://github.com/kernelsauce/turbo), and [Mithril](https://mithril.js.org/). [![Build Status](https://gitlab.com/jessieh/simple-shortener/badges/main/pipeline.svg)](https://gitlab.com/jessieh/simple-shortener/-/pipelines) ## Table of Contents - [Demo](#demo) - [Deploying](#deploying) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [API](#documentation) - [TOTP Issuer Icons](#totp-issuer-icons) ## Demo ## Deploying **NOTE**: You will need to configure `auth_secret` before the service will run. See **[Configuration](#configuration)**. With Docker1: ```bash docker run -d \ -p 80:80 \ --env-file config.env \ --mount source=shortener-db,target=/simple-shortener/db \ --mount type=bind,source=/PATH/TO/YOUR/SITE,target=/simple-shortener/static/landing_page,readonly \ jessiehildebrandt/simple-shortener ``` With Docker Compose1: ```yaml simple-shortener: image: jessiehildebrandt/simple-shortener env_file: config.env ports: - 80:80 volumes: - shortener-db:/simple-shortener/db - /PATH/TO/YOUR/SITE:/simple-shortener/static/landing_page:ro volumes: shortener-db: ``` After deploying, you should be able to navigate your browser to `` to view your site, or `/shorten` to log in to the control panel. If you have TOTP auth enabled (on by default), check your Docker logs for a QR code to scan with your TOTP generator app of choice. If you disabled TOTP auth, you can log in by entering `auth_secret` as the passcode. 1 You should probably avoid directly exposing the Turbo HTTP server as in these examples, and should instead opt to use a more robust server as a reverse-proxy. ## Configuration You can easily configure your deployment by supplying an environment variable file with your desired settings. An [example environment variable file](config_template.env) is provided for use as a template. Supported configuration options: ### auth_secret ***(REQUIRED)*** **string** *THIS VALUE NEEDS TO BE SET BEFORE THE SERVICE WILL START!* This is used to authenticate sessions for the shortener control panel and the REST API. Depending on configuration, this can either be used as a TOTP secret or as a password. ### enable_control_panel **boolean** Whether or not a static control panel page for interacting with the shortening service will be exposed at `/shorten`. Default `true` ### enable_landing_page **boolean** Whether or not a static landing page will be served when not visiting shortened links or the control panel. Default `true` ### landing_page_index **string** The path to the file to use as the index for the landing page. *This only has an effect when `enable_landing_page` is set to true.* Default `index.html` ### listen_port **number** The port that the HTTP server will listen on. Default `80` ### query_limit **number** The maximum number of database entries that the API will return in a single query. Default `100` ### session_max_length_hours **number** The duration (in hours) that an API session will be valid for once signed in, regardless of activity. Default `24` ### session_max_idle_length_hours **number** The duration (in hours) that an API session will be valid for without any activity. Default `1` ### use_secure_cookies **boolean** Whether or not to tag API session cookies with the `Secure` and `SameSite=Strict` attributes.' Secure cookies expect your server to have HTTPS enabled, and will prevent the control panel and API from functioning over unsecured connections. Default `true` ### use_totp **boolean** Whether or not `auth_secret` will be used as a TOTP secret instead of a password. If enabled, the server will print a QR code to stdout containing a standardized URL that you can scan with most TOTP generators. (TOTP is recommended, but you may want to disable it if (e.g) your system cannot be synchronized to global time.) Default `true` ## API The shortening service exposes a simple API at `/shorten/api` that you may consume from your own control panel1, a browser extension, etc. The API endpoints and response codes are documented in the docstrings of their respective [handler modules](src/handlers). 1 If you wish to replace the default control panel, you can provide your own by mounting it at `/simple-shortener/static/control_panel`. ## TOTP Issuer Icons Should your TOTP provider application of choice support them, the following issuer icons are available for use. ### SVG   ### PNG