# config_template.env # simple-shortener configuration template file # auth_secret # string # This is used to authenticate sessions for the shortener control panel and the REST API # Depending on configuration, this can either be used as a TOTP secret or as a password # (! THIS VALUE NEEDS TO BE SET BEFORE THE SERVER WILL START !) #auth_secret= # enable_control_panel # boolean # Whether or not a static control panel page for interacting with the shortening service will be exposed at "/shorten" #enable_control_panel=true # enable_landing_page # boolean # Whether or not a static landing page will be served when not visiting shortened links or the control panel #enable_landing_page=true # landing_page_index # string # The path to the file to use as the index for the landing page # (This only has an effect when `enable_landing_page` is set to true) #landing_page_index="index.html" # listen_port # number # The port that the HTTP server will listen on #listen_port=80 # query_limit # number # The maximum number of database entries that the API will return in a single query #query_limit=100 # session_max_length_hours # number # The duration (in hours) that an API session will be valid for once signed in (regardless of activity) #session_max_length_hours=24 # session_max_idle_length_hours # number # The duration (in hours) that an API session will be valid for without any activity #session_max_idle_length_hours=1 # use_secure_cookies # boolean # Whether or not to tag API session cookies with the "Secure" and "SameSite=Strict" attributes # Secure cookies expect your server to have HTTPS enabled, and will prevent the control panel and API from functioning over unsecured connections #use_secure_cookies=true # use_totp # boolean # Whether or not `auth_secret` will be used as a TOTP secret instead of a password # If enabled, the server will print a QR code to stdout containing a standardized URL that you can scan with most TOTP generators # (TOTP is recommended, but you may want to disable it if (e.g) your system cannot be synchronized to global time) #use_totp=true