
48 lines
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Org Mode

#+TITLE: ElDoc box
This package displays ElDoc documentations in a childframe.
#+CAPTION: Using with eglot in python-mode
* Install
Get the file, add to load path, and
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(require 'eldoc-box)
* Usage
** Function
Enable either mode will make eldoc display documentation on a popup childframe. The difference is the position of the childframe — the first minor mode displays the childframe on (left or right) upper corner, while the second displays the childframe right below point.
- =eldoc-box-hover-mode= :: Display documentation of the symbol at point in a childframe on upper corner.
- =eldoc-box-hover-at-point-mode= :: Display documentation of the symbol at point in a childframe below point.
** Face
- =eldoc-box-border= :: Adjust =:background= of this face for border color.
- =eldoc-box-body= :: Adjust =:background= of this face for background color of childframe.
** Variable
- =eldoc-box-max-pixel-width= & =eldoc-box-max-pixel-height= :: Set them according to the screen resolution of your machine.
- =eldoc-box-only-multi-line= :: Set this to non-nil and eldoc-box only display multi-line message in childframe. One line messages are left in minibuffer.
- =eldoc-box-cleanup-interval= :: After this amount of seconds will eldoc-box attempt to cleanup the childframe. E.g. if it is set to 1, the childframe is cleared 1 second after you moved the point to somewhere else (that doesn't have a doc to show). This doesn't apply to =eldoc-box-hover-at-point-mode=, in that mode the childframe is cleared as soon as point moves.
** Use with eglot
As of writing this README, eglot doesn't have a public mode hook, use this hook:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(add-hook 'eglot--managed-mode-hook #'eldoc-box-hover-mode t)
** Help at point hack
If all you need is a "help at point" popup to be used with eglot, here is my hack:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun moon-help-at-point ()
(when eglot--managed-mode
(require 'eldoc-box)
(let ((eldoc-box-position-function #'eldoc-box--default-at-point-position-function))
(eglot--dbind ((Hover) contents range)
(jsonrpc-request (eglot--current-server-or-lose) :textDocument/hover
(when (seq-empty-p contents) (eglot--error "No hover info here"))
(eglot--hover-info contents range))))
(add-hook 'pre-command-hook #'eldoc-box-quit-frame t t)))
* Contributors
- [[https://github.com/joaotavora][João Távora]]